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Myopia or Nearsightedness occurs when light entering the eye focuses just before the retina instead of directly on the retina. This is caused by either a steep cornea or an elongated eye. Nearsighted people typically see well at close distances; however, these same people will have difficulty seeing clearly at far distances.
In order to achieve proper eyesight, the cornea and the lens must properly focus or refract light onto the retina. When the shape or length of the eye is not ideal, the light may get focused either too early or too late. This leaves a blurred image on the retina, which is sent through the optic nerve to the brain for interpretation. Near-sightedness usually becomes progressively worse through adolescence and stabilizes in early adulthood. Myopia is an inherited problem.

Nearsightedness is detected with a vision test and refraction. Myopia is best treated with eyeglasses and contact lenses. However, refractive surgery is available as a treatment for Myopia.